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Te Heawahine o Te Komiti Whakahaere
o Te Ahuareka o Ngati Hine

“The tale of our elders, they did not know the English language, they only knew one language, their own language.  And when they couldn’t reach that understanding, then war was the only result and those battles continue in the verbal manner these days.  For the wars that they keep creating to suppress us and to elevate them above us, down to us today, we are still battling.  This elder of yours says I will continue to do this battle until my eyes are closed.  My battle with them for Te Tiriti o Waitangi will never end.  There is nothing wrong with what was embodied in Te Tiriti o Waitangi, those are the Māori thoughts.  There are only three articles and we continue to say that you must honor each and every one of them”. 

- Sir James Henare

Te Ahuareka o Ngati Hine


Get your team together and register now for Te Āhuareka o Ngāti Hine Touch Tournament!


Where: Moerewa School

When: Hatarei 29th Maehe

Kick-off: 10:00am

Showcase your sporting prowess and have an epic day of fun, competition, and whanaungatanga.

Te Āhuareka o Ngāti Hine Touch Tournament v2_edited_edited.jpg

Te Ahuareka o Ngati Hine


We’re excited to announce that applications are now open for stallholders at Te Ahuareka o Ngāti Hine 2025!

This is your chance to showcase your pakihi, kai, toi Māori, rongoa, or other products to hundreds of whānau over our three-day celebration.

Be part of this incredible event. Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out!

Te Ahuareka o Ngati Hine



Get your team together and register now for Te Āhuareka o Ngāti Hine Hauporo Tournament 2025!

Where: Waitangi Golf Club

When: Hatarei 29th Maehe

Tee-off: 8:30am - 10:30am

To register your team of 4, email:

Te Āhuareka o Ngāti Hine Golf_edited.jpg

"Ka kakati te namu"

"The sandfly nips' - theme for Te Ahuareka Festival 2025

This saying comes from Te Tangi a Kawiti, first uttered in the days immediately after the withdrawal from Te Ruapekapeka on Jan 11, 1846.


It is said that while the defenders of Te Ruapekapeka, withdrew, were resting and convalescing at Pukepoto, a small hill in the area now known as Glenbervie, Kawiti gathered his loyal warriors and addressed them in the dawn of the early morning.

‘Ka kakati te namu’ are but four words from Kawiti’s full address. Literally these words mean ‘The sandfly nips’.

The rest of the line is ‘i te whārangi o te pukapuka’ or at the pages of the book. The book refers to He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

‘Hei kōnei ka tahuri atu ai’ meaning ‘At that time, you must arise and resist’.

Thus ‘Ka kakati te namu’ is a call to arms when those sacred covenants are being undermined.

Right now, the government is dispensing laws on a number of fronts that seriously undermine our Ngati Hine Mana Motuhake as inherited from our ancestors such as Kawiti.

Therefore, ‘Ka kakati te namu’ is a rallying cry to rise up and defy the government moves to undermine our mana Motuhake.

The full statement was:

E te whānau,

I te pakanga ahau ki ngā Atua i te po,

Hoi, kīhai ahau i mate.

Na reira, takahia te kino ki raro i o koutou waewae

Kia ū ki te whakapono, kei poai Pākeha koutou i muri nei. 

Waiho kia kakati te namu i te whārangi o te pukapuka,

Hei kōnei ka tahuri atu ai

Kei takahia e koutou ngā papa pounamu a o koutou tūpuna e takoto nei

Titiro atu ki ngā taumata o te moana.


My kinfolk,

I fought with supernatural beings during the night, but I survived.

So I call upon you to trample hatred underfoot. 

Hold fast to our beliefs to prevent Pākeha assimilation

When the sandfly nips at the pages of the book (He Whakaputanga me te Te Tiriti o Waitangi)

At that time, you must arise and resist.

You must avoid violating the sacred customs bestowed by your forebears.

Look beyond the horizon and your current circumstances.

- Pita Tipene

For Te Tautohetohe event, our whānau provide an opportunity for us all to celebrate and listen to examples of our unique mita or dialect within and from Ngāti Hine.


Kaupapa or topics centre around significant and current issues, to provoke inquiry, laughter and the richness of our sacred reo.


Here are some of the rules!

  • The debate must be conducted in te reo

  • 3 members per team (including captains)

  • At least one wahine in each team

  • At least one young person (under 45)

  • The debate will employ typical debating rules, each team having an opportunity to speak to the topics provided.

  • The winning group will receive an award to acknowledge their skill, wit and ability to confidently convey their arguments.

JUDGES: Moe Milne, Tihi Puanaki, Pita Tipene, Tapeka Henare

©Te Ahuareka o Ngāti Hine

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